
My Journey:
Hi! For me this all started January 11th, 2019 with this youtube video. The next morning I woke up and turned my whole life 180 degrees, and the rest is history, but I'm here to document it and hopefully help you along the way.
I know my story is a rare one, but easing into things has never really worked for me. I always end up easing back out, so I dove in headfirst with big goals and big dreams--impossible to reach, but they kept me working hard. I started out running and doing at-home youtube videos--the workouts stayed, the running ran out of my life. 😂 I used habit trackers to track my water, bible study, workouts, and more, and I journaled each night. I cut my calories and sugars as best as I knew how at the time, increased my fruit and vegetable intake, only drank water, and by that summer I had lost about 15-20 pounds. By the time school started, I had lost about 25 pounds. Looking back, I don't think that I probably lost weight in the MOST healthy way, but I always kept my calories above 1200--eat lower than that and your body fights against you-- and usually at 1500. I'm not sure what I would change in what I was doing at that time looking back, but I did suffer some health issues even with eating that number of calories. I think the main thing that cost me was the extreme amount of exercise I was doing. Decreasing calorie intake while extremely increasing energy expenditure creates a much larger calorie deficiency than just the difference in calories eaten. Due to the toll calorie tracking had on my mental health and time with my family, I stopped.
As time progressed, I saw more progress in my body, but my fear of strength training and becoming too bulky diminished. I started adding light weights into the video workouts I had been doing, and progressed into harder, weighted videos. (This may be a good time to address working out solely with videos as well. Due to being 13 & 14 years old in the first year of my, what was at the time, weight loss journey, driving to the gym every morning was not an option, and I have always been independent, so I did not like the idea of relying on others to drive me to the gym before daylight and therefore rely on others for my personal progress. I knew this was my journey alone to better myself physically and Spiritually with God.)
COVID hit closely after reaching one year in my journey. I was unaffected by the gyms closing unlike others, so I used the opportunity to workout for even longer. I had been working out every day for a year for 30 minutes to an hour. Now I was working out every day for an hour-and-a-half. I had already noticed my joints squeaking throughout my workouts and my muscles were in severe pain regularly, not just soreness. My parents knew I needed to visit the chiropractor, so I did, and he suggested I have a couple rest days a week. To me and my fear of gaining all of my weight back, this was unthinkable. I kept going, but sometimes took Sundays off. I spent most of my days in quarantine focused on my goals. I would wake up at 8am, workout for 60-90 minutes, eat breakfast (which I had thought for over a year now could never be over 300 calories) and do my Bible study, stretch, work on my recipes and cookbook, eat lunch, do schoolwork, research health and fitness, play piano, eat dinner, and THEN spend time with family. All of the research I was doing, along with major push from my dad, convinced me that I COULD and needed to take a couple days off in the week. It was summer around this time, so I would swim in my grandparents' house (with them socially distanced on the porch) on some of my rest days. I remember the specific conversation with my dad that, looking back, changed things for me. I showed him the workout plan that I had been doing, and he said that the workouts I was doing were very hard. That gave me the credibility I felt I needed to take breaks. I had made progress and I was no longer the weak one. I was getting stronger, and I wanted to keep getting stronger. I knew that meant allowing myself to recover.
Another thing that convinced me that it was time to allow myself to recover was that my body was telling me I had to stop in more ways than just pain. I have debated typing this even to this moment, but I have decided that it is far too important for girls to hear to leave out. I lost my period from 6 months into my journey to a year and 7 months into my journey. 13 months of my body stopping what it is meant to do because it didn't have the care and fuel it needed. I was at risk of losing the ability to have children in the future all over what was at the time solely about weight loss, how I looked in the mirror, and how people perceived me. To try and regain my period, I decided to eat anything my body craved, while still eating the fueling foods I was used to but in larger portions and moving my body because I wanted to. After a couple months of this, gaining a little bit of weight, spending time with family, spending a lot of time in prayer, and nurturing myself and my body, I got my period back. It has taken time for my cycle to be normal again, and to be honest, I have more pain during my period now than before losing it, but I remind myself each time that it truly is a blessing to have one. It is an answered prayer and it is my body doing what it was created to do! Girls, it's not worth it to lose the weight. The mental toll that losing your period can have on you hormonally and through fear is too rough. Take care of your body! It is taking care of you, and one day you will want it to take care of a child as you carry it.
To sum up time since then, I tried tracking macros (not calories!) and had good results, but it had me focusing too much on food--I was constantly thinking about my next meal and logging it--so I stopped. I started watching Autumn Bates on Youtube during my health research, and was convinced to try intermittent fasting. I had tried not eating after 6pm before, but that didn't work with my schedule. This time, I "ate until I was satiated, not satisfied," 2-3 meals a day with about 4 hours in between each meal. This worked well for me as it solved two of my main problems: I wasn't hungry all of the time, so I stopped thinking constantly about food, and the 4 hours between each meal allowed for 3 hours and 45 minutes to digest food--the perfect amount for the body--so my bloating decreased drastically. This was also aided by drinking hot tea at nighttime. I still do these things to this day; however, for my mental health and in listening to my body, am a lot more lax on it. Also around this time, eating until satiated allowed me to build muscle, and I did gain some body fat back at first as well, but that fluctuated and allowed me to grow and appear stronger and healthier. This feels like a good time to mention two things: If you are feeling hungry all of the time, that is NOT good, and if not stopped can take a very long time to overcome. Your body is craving nutrients, so listen to it. You will be glad you did. {For more information on this you can check out Stephanie Buttermore's channel on youtube and hear her story and perspective now.} Also, GUT HEALTH. It is more important than you would probably ever image and is a key factor in so many bodily functions, so always make sure you are getting enough probiotics and prebiotics such as bananas, fermented foods, yogurt, greens, and onions. To continue summarizing time, I have done a 90 day journaling experiment on my body, tracking everything I ate, how I felt each day, the amount of sleep I got the night before, and many other things that I wanted to track. I have found that journaling and writing down the foods I eat are really helpful, and I can still do them without my mental health suffering. The only reason I don't still do them is time and the importance of sleep.
I used to train full body every day, wherever I could. Now, my ideal training week looks something like this: 5-10 minutes of stretching and warming up each morning, hypertrophy training upper body and abs one day, hypertrophy training lower body and abs one day, performance training one day, incline walking before breakfast a few times a week, and one to two good stretch sessions. Dance is also a daily activity for me during the school year. Any of my strength and performance training is still done in my growing home-gym; I am constantly finding new ways to train, and a paid gym membership and driving alone to the gym in the dark is unnecessary. It also allows me to workout whenever I have a few minutes and want to move my body or kickstart my day well. My training time spans from 20 minutes for stretching or on a rushed morning, to an-hour and-a-half strength session, to a 2 or 3 hour dance practice. Sometimes dance, stretching, and/or strength training overlap days, so I still have complete rest days. I have been at maintenance, intuitively eating, for over a year now, and my goal has just been to get stronger and improve performance during this time. I eat what makes me feel good; I don't track anything, just try and eat high protein, low processed foods (least ingredients the better), high complex carbs, and very low added sugar.
I surround myself with people and fitness influencers who encourage me in my health journey and in the journey with God. The two for me are completely intertwined. God created my body and allows it to move and function like it does! I can worship Him for the food he allowed to grow and make it to my plate! I can worship Him even during my workouts, thanking Him for allowing me to move in ways that I never thought I would be able to! Even though I still have pains, still do some rehab, still wear knee braces, and still have to know when to stop due to injuries I suffered in the first year of my journey, I am blessed to be able to do the workouts that make me feel powerful and eat the foods that make my body thrive.
My adopted motto this year is "do it whenever you can because you love it."
it takes time, so take the time to enjoy it 🤍
My Recipes:
All grams of sugar are natural sugars, not added/cane sugar.

My Essentials

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(not sponsored!)
Influencers to Check Out!
Caroline Girvan Intense Workouts:
Science: MissFit&Nerdy
Both: Natacha Oceane & GAINSBYBRAINS
Encouragement & Companionship: Brittany Lupton
Variety of Exercise: Madfit
Food and Positivity:
Autumn Bates (Caution: Use primarily for recipes and good advice/information- not everyone needs intermittent fasting! :) )
Taylor Olsen*
Stephanie Buttermore
& Pernilla Stryker
Through Good and Bad: Linda Sun*
Instagram: @goodfoodgoodrun*
Health and Faith: Kyla Beland
featured Videos
🤍 Lessons I've Learned Along the Way 🤍
Do it for you! Do it because it makes you feel good! If it doesn't do something else! Listen to your body--it's a pretty smart puppy and it's keeping you alive without you asking it to do a thing! Thank your body and nurture it!
If you are crying in the middle of a workout, stop. You may not know what from, you may think you do. Stop. I've been there. I understand the feeling of needing to keep going, but you are stronger to stop. You'll hurt yourself. Lay down: go home and/or take a short nap, rinse your face off, eat something you love, and go be with people you love. This is a journey of bettering yourself, not tearing yourself down.
Stretching and self-care are just as important as weightlifting when done together! And sleep!! If you are working out with less than 6 hours of sleep, DON'T, and always aim for 8-9 hours.
Find healthy alternatives and recipes for your favorite foods!
Not everyone exhibits hunger by stomach pain. It took me a while to learn, but when I did it changed the game for me. Although I thought I just was not hungry, I was actually very hungry; I show hunger by easily getting overwhelmed, continuously overreacting, or becoming angry after having not eaten eaten for a while.
Know your "why!" It is YOUR drive and what will keep you going when you need it! You won't always be motivated, but you will always have your why, and you can take the first step, the first set, the first move. You've got this! As Nike says, "Just do it!" You'll feel great afterwards!
If you haven't felt motivated, surround yourself with encouraging fitness influencers like the ones suggested on this page! It is when I am not watching fitness videos that I feel the most unmotivated and alone! Surround yourself with encouraging people and communities on the same path as you!
Don't let other people affect your health journey! Rely on your strength and abilities and on God's strength in you. Not everyone will approve of how you eat, and they may try to discourage you, but don't let it! Thrive on the foods you know make you feel good! Eventually, they will support you, and if they don't- who cares?
If someone asks you about what you are eating, don't let it upset you! They are probably just curious, so take the opportunity to share your knowledge! It has helped you, so it can help them too! :)
Find joy in cooking and preparing nutritious food! Think of how each vegetable has grown and how it has made its way to you!
Find staple ingredients but mix up the recipes!
(ex: for ease, always keep frozen vegetables on hand)
The biggest game-changers for me in seeing results have been realizing that ab work (and ANY muscle work) is literally powered by contraction of the abs (or whatever muscle you are exercising). That is the only thing you should be focused on when performing the exercise. If you are crunching your lower abs to lift your leg, FOCUS on contracting the left side of your (lower) abs. If you are doing glute bridges or hip thrusts, contract your glutes. If you are doing shoulder raises or shoulder press, contract the muscles in the tips/tops of your shoulders.
Confidence doesn't come from losing weight or how you look. Confidence comes from the strength, capabilities, and independence you build. Confidence comes from the challenges you overcome and working toward your goal. Confidence comes from finding your identity and your worth, and that can only be found in Christ. Without that joy, it is just and endless cycle of disappointment and imperfection. Your worth is in your Creator and Father who finds you precious and full of worth. You are loved!
It is also important to realize that though your life can revolve around your health choices, not everyone's has to! Find healthy options at commonly visited restaurants and try them out! Allow food to be the social event that it is and don't let it upset you! Explain that you may need a few minutes to figure out your order, or look online prior to going. If you are still living at home, simply have a few staple substitutions and additions on hand! Add steamed veggies from the bag to any meal! Substitute red lentil or veggie noodles for regular noodles on pasta night. Throw in a sweet potato when you have baked potatoes. Get some frozen cauliflower pizzas for pizza night and protein or spinach tortillas and popcorn or black bean chips for taco night!
"Lifting your head" in an abdominal workout is not actually lifting your head. When someone says this, they really mean, "Contract the front of your abs so much that your shoulders have to come off of the ground."
Switch up the style of workout that you are doing! Over time, experiment with a mixture of yoga, lifting, pilates, dance, cardio, explosive movements, compound movements, isolation exercises, and outdoor exercise. See what your body thrives on! {It may change depending on what season of life you are in--and that is okay! :) }
Move your body
in ways you love!!
~ that's how to keep exercise consistent, fulfilling, joyful, and long-term~
Always warm up and cool down--even if it means doing 1 less superset or exercise.
Start your workout with dynamic stretches and end with static stretches.
When doing abdominal exercises, press your lower back into the floor when lying down, and always suck your belly button into your spine.
Never let your knees go in front of your toes.
Always check proper form with a quick google search before beginning an exercise.
Always keep your back flat, except in bench press.
Keep your weight in your heels.
Do glute and hamstring bridges on your heels
Put height under your heels and keep your weight evenly distributed through your foot for a safer narrow squat (quads).
Stretching sessions separately are important as well. Mobility prevents injury and allows for faster muscle repair. Take the opportunity to better yourself mentally or spiritually as you relax! I love to listen to sermons during my stretch sessions, and love to do them at night with the lights dim. Do a 5 minute warm-up before your stretch session to prevent injury, and your stretch sessions can be 10-30 minutes! Take the opportunity to do preventative rehab as well such as seated leg raises, and set a goal such as a bridge or the splits.
Bridges are also great for strengthening your shoulders! Make sure your form is right, push up into the bridge and hold the stretch, and slowly lower down with your weight in your shoulders.
My favorite stretches: cat-cows, sphinx, world's greatest stretch, bicep wall-stretch, happy baby, ragdoll pose, child's pose, sumo-squat twist, cobra-dog push-through (slower), and warrior ii to exalted warrior (scroll down on linked site).
A 1 hour hypertrophy workout usually includes a 7 min warm-up, 6-8 exercises of 3x8-12 reps, and a 7 min cool-down.
Utilize a dance warm-up when at home, or if you feel comfortable at the gym, to increase your heart-rate and get excited to work out.
When using free weights, keep your core tight for stability.
Keep variety in your training styles.
Do 2-3 sets of 8-12 to build muscle, 4-5 sets of 5-8 to build strength, and sets of 15 or until failure with proper form to build endurance. Do the first or latter in supersets to increase calorie burn.
Always give proper rest time in between sets.
Include rotational and anti-rotational work for the abdominals.
Single limb/side isolation work is crucial to keeping your body balanced. Always do your weaker side first and do the exact same thing, not more, on your stronger side after a rest period. You should need one.
My favorite leg exercises are hip thrusts, quad squats, standing fire-hydrants with a resistance band, weighted/banded hamstring bridges, and deadlifts.
My favorite arm exercises are shoulder press, shoulder pulls, supine rows, pushups, and tricep-extensions.
My favorite abdominal exercises are cable crunches, oblique crunches, fully engaged bicycle crunches, jackknives, and spider-mans (go into a high plank, place right foot beside right hand, place right hand in the air, thread left leg between left hand and right leg keeping left foot and right hand in the air, reset to normal plank, place left foot beside left hand and repeat the process with the opposite side).
My favorite back exercises are lat-pulls, single arm rows, rear-delt flies, palms-up bent over rows, and super-mans.
HIIT workouts are great for fast, effective calorie burn and improving overall fitness. My go-to with bad joints is:
40 seconds on/20-30 seconds off for 2-4 rounds
1) Pivot Squats (pushing from heels)
2) Full Extension, Explosive Knee Taps on Toes
3) Skater Lunges (engaging your quads)
5) High Support Burpee Jumps:
The goal is to get in a good high plank position, jump your feet close to your elbows in order to get a good foundation, and explode upwards as high as you can from your heels. THEN reposition yourself into plank position and do another rep. This is about quality jumps.
check back for new videos periodically!
13 min
by Gabriella whited/kate li
5 min
by caroline girvan
while sick
15 min
by cat meffan
8 min
by pamela reif
while on your period
20 min
by Daniela Suarez
20 min
by Yoga with adrienne
15 min
by Natacha Oceane
10 min
by pamela reif
goal-based: splits
8 min
by pamela reif
20 min
abdominals plan

a peek into my mind eight months into my journey
Beginner Basic knowledge
for more recent, different types of writing,
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Two Example health guides: secondary to the information above