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Meet the face--and the story--behind the posts

Hi! My name is Claudia. :) I am part of a pretty large family, and I love spending time with them, singing, dancing, baking, writing, decorating, and everything to do with faith and fitness. When I started my health journey, I was not about to give any of that stuff up, so I found creative ways to fit it all in and have a great time doing so! I'm here to share them with you!


God has been my rock through this whole journey, and HE is the reason "Sticky Notes" came to be!


Since 8th grade, I had planned to be an electrical engineer. I had mapped out my future and spent every spare moment looking at colleges, but in 10th grade God showed me that life was about Him, and for me that meant taking my passions and turning them into a


future built for Him. God called me to become an advocate and advocacy lawyer for the pro-life movement, and that is truly where my heart and soul is; however, I'm not there yet, and I'm never at peace with just sitting still {why I had been constantly researching colleges},but I knew God wanted me to put my FUTURE in His hands. So one night God showed me that I don't HAVE TO just sit still. The future is not the only thing for this generation! I had been working to be present, and it was all to prepare me for this. I could take action for my calling now. So I did. With the help of my church, family, and youth group, I planned an event on the value of life--from the womb and beyond--and I spoke at it along with three other amazing speakers. Planning that event strengthened my relationship with God even further because I had to trust Him so much, and it led me into my next ministry, Embrace Grace. My church and I, partnered with our local Pregnancy Test and Resource Center will be starting an Embrace Grace support group in March 2022, and I could not be more thrilled. The joys I have experienced thus far all root from God's grace and God's leading. I can no longer keep it all inside...

Three years into my health journeys, when I lay down at night, my mind is racing with ideas, memories of the day, and occasionally something that I know is a reminder, a blessing, from God. These reminders and ideas have started many different projects that I have pursued, and have become a crucial and delightful part of my daily life. Anytime one of these thoughts has popped into my head, I hop up and write it down on a sticky note. I created a board for my room, so I could see these reminders: God's blessings each day. So after debating starting a website for a while, there was no looking far for the purpose and title. "Sticky Notes" 


I want others to be able to experience these little blessings, as well as hear about the God who has changed my life and never left me as I have gone through life changes! I pray that He uses this site to help at least one person grow in their walk with Him, hear His Word and of His work, experience His blessings, be reminded of their worth, and/or make their physical, mental, or Spiritual health journey a little bit more joyful!


Joy and confidence comes from overcoming with Christ! He has overcome the world!


I encourage you to write down your late-night or even midday inspirations. Write them down on sticky notes, keep them, see how often God blesses you, and maybe someday...share it with someone. :)

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